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Adult Discovery Journals - Anxiety Journals


Whose it for?

  • Our adult journal is designed for anyone aged 18+

  • This journal can be used whether you are diagnosed or undiagnosed with a mental illness.

  • Adequate understanding of the English language

Not suitable for

  • Under 18's

  • Dyslexic users or anyone with Scotopic Sensitivity

  • Autistic users are advised to use our ASC specific version

  • Non-English readers

What does it include?

  • Year Mood Calendar - This can be started at any point in the year and continued on even when fillers are required.

  • Instruction pages - We encourage all beginners to read through the instructions in order to use the journal effectively. In order to fit in more content each section isn't titled so our instructions are important initially.

  • 3 Prompted pages per entry - Each page features multiple sections focusing on different areas of the day. You are guided through each page seamlessly and quickly.

  • 1 Page of free writing per entry - Essential to practice free writing. This space can be used for further self-reflection or exploration on something discovered while journalling.


We've highlighted just some of the features you can find in our Adult Journal and how they are beneficial. 

It's much easy to use emotive language when its already laid out in front of you. 

Anxiety can be linked to particular places we visit. Ratings can help us distingish patterns.

Focusing on the days main pressures and what might be causing stress and anxiety in the background.

Self-reflection is essential in understanding the patterns and behaviours noted in the journal and making and enforcing the required changes. 

Often triggers and causes can get lost in the chaos of the day. Help understand what has really caused the highest imapcts during the day. 


The adult journal is available in all of our binders as well as our travel version.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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